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Eclipse Season, Again!!

Eclipse Season, Again!!

Eclipse Season is Here – The Shift Begins Now!!!

As we enter this transformative period of “Eclipse Season”, the cosmos delivers a potent reminder: nothing stays the same, and everything is about to change. This week, the powerful “Pisces lunar eclipse” and the “September Equinox” are our cosmic signals to embrace new beginnings, navigate intense shifts, and surrender to the unknown. But in the midst of this “anything-can-happen” energy, many of us may feel a sense of overwhelm. How do we anchor ourselves when the ground beneath us feels so unsteady?

The secret lies in “knowing your limits”. As the dreams of Pisces fill your mind, it’s essential to balance them against your daily to-do list. Can you create space for both the mundane and the magical? Can you allow your imagination to inspire you while remaining grounded enough to act on those inspirations?

It’s okay to escape through daydreams occasionally, but don’t forget to return and “cash your reality checks”. Each celestial moment this week offers wisdom on how to integrate the magic of the stars into our everyday lives. Here’s what to expect:

🌒 September 17th: Lunar Eclipse in Pisces at 7:34 PM PT

This marks the beginning of a new chapter, sparking our desires to chase every dream at once. While the allure of new possibilities is strong, take time today to “tend to your system”. Rest, hydrate, and nurture your soul before you rush into action.

📣 September 18th: Mercury Opposes Saturn Rx at 1:50 AM PT

Expect “self-criticism to get loud” today. Saturn’s reflective energy might highlight where you feel you’ve fallen short. But don’t let this voice take over. Combat it by making a list of five things you’ve accomplished so far this year. Title it: “Note to My Inner Critic: Here’s Why You’re Wrong.” Celebrate your progress.

👾 September 19th: Sun Trines Uranus Rx at 7:04 AM PT

The world needs your weird ideas. Uranus, the planet of innovation, is calling you to bring forth those unconventional thoughts. Harness your eccentricity and let your unique perspective shine through.

🔮 September 20th: Sun Opposes Neptune Rx at 5:16 PM PT

Today, “except the blur.” Neptune in retrograde makes things foggy and uncertain, but sometimes, surrendering to the unknown allows the truth to emerge more clearly. Don’t force clarity—let it come in its own time.

💬 September 21st: Mercury Squares Jupiter at 1:49 AM PT

Curiosity is your key to unlocking fortune right now. “Ask every question”, even the ones you fear have no answers. The cosmos encourages you to stay open and trust that the responses will arrive, even in unexpected forms.

♟️ September 21st: Sun Trines Pluto Rx at 11:11 PM PT

“Radical transformation begins within.” Pluto’s energy is deeply transformative, asking you to take one bold step toward the change you seek in the world. Even a small action can create ripples of transformation.

⚖️ September 22nd: The Sun Enters Libra at 5:43 AM PT

Welcome to “Libra season”, a time of balance, harmony, and partnerships. Get out your pro-and-con lists! Libra energy supports weighing your options carefully and using charm to resolve conflicts with ease. You’ll also feel inspired to “work the room”. Get ready to work the room as networking becomes an extreme sport under this influence!

🎨 September 22nd: Venus Squares Pluto Rx at 2:14 PM PT

“Art therapy” will be your best friend today. Whether it’s journaling, doodling, or crafting, use creative expression to “excavate your hidden needs”. The square between Venus and Pluto may stir up intense emotions, and art is a powerful way to process them.

🖤 September 22nd: Venus Enters Scorpio at 7:36 PM PT

With Venus shifting into mysterious Scorpio, get ready to “go deep”. This energy is about emotional intensity and soul-deep connections. Small talk is out; deep conversations and uncovering hidden truths are in.

As we move through this powerful week, remember to “honor your boundaries and keep them”, no matter how chaotic or dramatic things may feel. Know your limits, balance the magic with the mundane, and be open to the transformation that’s unfolding. We’re all being called to evolve, and the stars are guiding us every step of the way.

Stay grounded, stay curious, and embrace the shift.

Mordor Van Baie

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